“When you are conscious about your Thoughts & Feelings... and consistent with your Actions, you attain Excellence!”

Nagarajan J 

Nagarajan J

I am Nagarajan, a High-Performance Coach. My areas of expertise encompass Personal Mastery Coaching, Executive Coaching, New Leader Assimilation, Building High-Performance Teams, & Change Management. My programs are outcome-based, centered on Emotional Intelligence, and facilitate transformational shifts in perspectives, which encourage and equip individuals and organizations to align to the best versions of themselves.

About Nagarajan J 

I have worked with over 25,000 Millennials in the last decade and supported hundreds of Corporate Professionals and Leaders to tap into their highest potential to be successful in all that they choose.

Why NJ Factor ?

When starting out my first job, fresh out of college, I never considered myself a High Performer. But being from a humble background, this job was all too important to secure me and my family financially. I applied myself and rose to be a top performer. I was all set on the trajectory to career progress.

That was not to be my intended path though. Personal challenges caused me to put my professional ambitions on hold. This was followed by a scary health diagnosis that required me to undergo major surgery. These were precursors to more testing and tumultuous time. It was the beginning of that spark in me that I am meant for bigger things, and that I am capable of much more. It was what led me to leave a promising job, and embrace the world of entrepreneurship. And thus began a journey that I am grateful for in spite of the incredible challenges it cast my way, for this is the journey that led to the discovery of the best version of me and brought out the high performer in me.

I discovered that the best version of me was capable of bouncing back from any failure, any difficulty, when I had to start my professional life from scratch not just once, or twice, or even thrice, but four times. I learned that the best version of me was capable of forgiving and letting go of people who not just let me down, but used and abused my time, efforts, and trust. I realized that the best version of me has this never-ending quest for learning, self-development, and growth.

Being blessed with amazing mentors who coached me at the right time, my significant breakthrough came with the realization that the only things in my control are my thoughts, feelings, and action. It is this journey to my best-self that led me to embark on a mission to support other individuals to discover their masterful self and transform their life into an enriching, extraordinary experience.

My Credentials
  • Certified Emotional Intelligence Facilitator and Coach
  • Certified High-Performance Coaching using Enneagram 
  • Certified Enneagram Spectrum Personality Styles Facilitator and coach (Dr. Granville Ed D’Souza and Jerome Wagner)
  • Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner
  • Certified Resilience Coach 

“When you justify or rationalize, you will search for reasons outside of you. The moment you take responsibility, you will find answers inside of you.

And YOU make the difference!”

Nagarajan J 

I have worked with over 25,000 Millennials and supported hundreds of Corporate Professionals and Leaders 

Let's get in touch